Monday, February 27, 2012
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access
We added new, quite huge sql-based site to our iis farm and after that we
get some times these error messages. Pages wich report these erros are fully
working. Why do get these errors? In last day we have recieved about ten of
these erors. Eroros are coming from all kins of asp. and .net pages at the
same time. After error occusr everything works fine again.
Wha can we do to prevent this happening? What causes these type of error
Server and connection strings are configured well, this is not error of miss
spelled program or connectionstrings. Theese erros are caused somewhere
DSN, Did you configure an alias in Client Network Utility?
"TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> Our sql server started to this...
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access
> denied.
> We added new, quite huge sql-based site to our iis farm and after that we
> get some times these error messages. Pages wich report these erros are
> fully working. Why do get these errors? In last day we have recieved about
> ten of these erors. Eroros are coming from all kins of asp. and .net pages
> at the same time. After error occusr everything works fine again.
> Wha can we do to prevent this happening? What causes these type of error
> messages?
> Server and connection strings are configured well, this is not error of
> miss spelled program or connectionstrings. Theese erros are caused
> somewhere else.
> t
Everything has worked fine before we added this quite huge new web page
thing... Now pages applications that have worked before are reporting theese
error. not all the time only about ten error / day (and we do have now quite
a bit of transactions).
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> Hi
> DSN, Did you configure an alias in Client Network Utility?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:44155ecc$0$7489$
|||The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect to
SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
"TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> Hello!
> alias?
> Everything has worked fine before we added this quite huge new web page
> thing... Now pages applications that have worked before are reporting
> theese error. not all the time only about ten error / day (and we do have
> now quite a bit of transactions).
> T
> "Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> viestiss:utVxLcpRGHA.5468@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
Yes I know it seems like pretty clear to you and to me. But theese erros are
not systmaticly hapepening. These erros are occuring becouse of something
else. But what is that something else?
Normally every page are workin fine then I see from our eroor log that in
same minute (in same ten seconds) many applications are reporting this
error. And after that many hours without errors...
Does SQL server report theese erros if there is too much load on that time?
Or what might cause theese erros...
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
viestiss:e%23YXTvpRGHA.5924@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
> The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect
> to SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:441564a0$0$7479$
|||Could my prblem be related to this?;en-us;328476
We have one SQL-server and 2 separate iis server as cluster. I run netstat
and found out that both IIS machines have nearly 2000 TIME-WAIT tcp session
open to our SQLserver. What shoud I do to prevent these erros happening?
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
viestiss:e%23YXTvpRGHA.5924@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
> The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect
> to SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:441564a0$0$7479$
i check my event log and get this..
Event Type:Information
Event Category:None
Event ID:1
Time:8:49:04 AM
You are running a version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also called MSDE) that has known security vulnerabilities when used in conjunction with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family. To reduce your computer'
s vulnerability to certain virus attacks, the TCP/IP and UDP network ports of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, MSDE, or both have been disabled. To enable these ports, you must install a patch, or the most recent service pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or M
SDE from
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
how do I get this thing up and running again.. please e-mail me at
That's an informational message in your event log that you
will get if you are running SQL Server at something less
than SP3. You should install SQL Server SP3.
On Mon, 10 May 2004 06:01:05 -0700, jason7
<> wrote:
>i am running a windows sharepoint services site.. I get an error that says "Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and make sure the database server is running."
>i check my event log and get this..
>Event Type:Information
>Event Category:None
>Event ID:1
>Time:8:49:04 AM
>You are running a version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also called MSDE) that has known security vulnerabilities when used in conjunction with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family. To reduce your computer
's vulnerability to certain virus attacks, the TCP/IP and UDP network ports of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, MSDE, or both have been disabled. To enable these ports, you must install a patch, or the most recent service pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or
MSDE from
>For more information, see Help and Support Center at
>how do I get this thing up and running again.. please e-mail me at
FRunCM: Process 2816 generated fatal exception c0000005
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
EVENT ID:17055;en-us;814572
"??H" <> wrote in message
> 17310 :
> FRunCM: Process 2816 generated fatal exception c0000005
> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
> EVENT ID:17055
Have you tried following the directions listed in the support document?
What platform are you running on? What version of SQL Server? When did
this happen? Did the Server ever start.
More information would be helpful.
Rick Sawtell
01/01 ABS 2000
10/01 KB 1500
02/03 ABS 4000
02/04 LB 3000
04/05 KB 3000
05/06 LB 7000
i need help to write a SQL statement which can output companies with a total amount over 5000 for the period 01/01 to 05/06.try this
select company, sum(amount)
from table
where (the conditions you like)
group by company
having sum(amount) > 5000|||Select
Sum(Amount) as CompanyTotal
(CompanyTotal > 5000)
( Date > 01/01
Date < 05/06)
Group by
Company|||Please note that 'Having sum(amount) > x' is not equal to 'where amount > x'. Having is a post group function while where is a pre function.
If Session("blnIsUserGood") = False or IsNull(Session("blnIsUserGood")) = True then
'Redirect to unathorised user page
End If
<font size="4">GoldFish Games News Admin</font>
<br><a href=""><b>Main</b></a> - 
'Dimension variables
Dim adoCon
Dim rs
Dim strSQL
strUserName = Request.Querystring("name")
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=n1i2c3k4; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("news.mdb")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.Level FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.Username="" & strUserName & """
rs.Open strSQL, adoCon
if rs("Level") = 2 Then
<a href="<% =strUserName %>">Delete User</a> - <a href="<% =strUserName %>">Add User</a> - <a href="<% =strUserName %>">Delete News</a> - 
End if
<a href="<% =strUsername %>">Add News</a>
<a href="<% =strUsername %>">Edit News</a>
there is probly a lot of other errors but right now I get this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
/gfgames/db/news/menu.asp, line 25
Does anyone know what the problem is?
--My database is in the right place and linked correctlyLooks like you used double quotes where you need single quotes:
strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.Level FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.Username='" & strUserName & "'"
will get the job done.
the best way to learn PL/SQL is to do it on your own. Anyway, here is my suggestion.
nSSN IN students.ssn%TYPE)
RETURN students.gpa%TYPE IS
vRetGPA students.gpa%TYPE := -1;
-- Start selection the ssn value
SELECT gpa INTO vRetGPA FROM students WHERE ssn = nSSN;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("Error = " || SQLERRM || " Code = " || SQLCODE);
nSSN IN students.ssn%TYPE,
nGPA OUT students.gpa%TYPE) IS
vRetGPA students.gpa%TYPE := -1;
-- Start selection the ssn value
nGPA := vRetGPA;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("Error = " || SQLERRM || " Code = " || SQLCODE);
nGPA := vRetGPA;
Thats it ...
If you want, test this with AlligatorSQL at
Hope that helps ?
Best regards
Manfred Peter
Alligator Company Software GmbH|||THANKS SO MUCH!!
Originally posted by
the best way to learn PL/SQL is to do it on your own. Anyway, here is my suggestion.
nSSN IN students.ssn%TYPE)
RETURN students.gpa%TYPE IS
vRetGPA students.gpa%TYPE := -1;
-- Start selection the ssn value
SELECT gpa INTO vRetGPA FROM students WHERE ssn = nSSN;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("Error = " || SQLERRM || " Code = " || SQLCODE);
nSSN IN students.ssn%TYPE,
nGPA OUT students.gpa%TYPE) IS
vRetGPA students.gpa%TYPE := -1;
-- Start selection the ssn value
nGPA := vRetGPA;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("Error = " || SQLERRM || " Code = " || SQLCODE);
nGPA := vRetGPA;
Thats it ...
If you want, test this with AlligatorSQL at
Hope that helps ?
Best regards
Manfred Peter
Alligator Company Software GmbH|||Are you actually trying to help this student or are you just flogging your product?
Even if a complete solution was in any way an appropriate answer to this question, If YOU had tested this with (drum roll) Alligator SQL you would have spotted that it does not compile for more than one reason. Nice advert.
Let's hope the he doesn't get kicked off the course when he hands it in eh?|||Originally posted by djayaraj
You have been spoonfed a specific solution here, but have you learned how to write PL/SQL? No.
Have you considered buying a book on PL/SQL? There are several available - try searching Amazon or similar for "Oracle PL/SQL".|||Dear padderz,
this is as you know a forum for PL/SQL questions and everybody who has a question about PL/SQL gets an answer. I told the guy, that the best way to learn PL/SQL is to do it on his own, but this is not my decision or yours !!!!
Next time you have a question, I hope, that you will get the answer ... do it on your own or buy you a book and all the other things ...
really helpful ...
By the way ... this is not a store for PL/SQL code ... I do not always test my suggestions ... But of course you do ...
Perhaps next time, you post the mistake and do not criticize the people who wants to help people and of course flogging their products !!!
Where is you problem ?
Manfred Peter
(Alligator Company Software GmbH)|||Hello padderz,
by the way ... whats about your signature and all the things about Quest and so on ... are you flogging your "products" too ?
now I understand your post ... thats typical
Manfred Peter
(Alligator Company Software GmbH)|||Apologies Peter for obvious offence. I stand by the points in my reply but I would certainly concede that the tone was unhelpful. Next time I will count to ten first.
Peter with respect - I don't think you do understand my post. I am not (nor have I ever been) an employee of Quest Software. Rather I am lucky enough to administer the 100% free Quest PL/SQL Pipeline Webboard with others by invitation of Quest and I contribute of my time on a strictly no-benefit basis (thanks for taking the time to check that out, btw.). And yes we do strongly encourage testing of ALL posts - why on earth wouldn't you?
Also I'm afraid I still do not understand your standpoint in this thread. If you feel that the poster should learn this himself, why post a complete answer? There are plenty of other options. When I tell my son not to smoke I appreciate that he must make his own decision but I will not be finishing the lecture by handing out cigarettes and matches and neither would I tolerate someone else doing it either, which I guess is why I replied.
Apologies also to Djayaraj. I am not trying to get in the way of your education but do you really think that copying down an answer from the internet improves your understanding? Contact me off-line at and I will be happy to discuss your situation.
PROCEDURE update_price(p_cutoff IN CHAR) AS
change CONSTANT Real := 0.9;
CURSOR c_upgrade_p IS
SELECT price FROM items
WHERE start_date = DATE(p_cutoff)
FOR c_upgrade_rec IN c_upgrade_p LOOP
UPDATE items
SET price = price * 0.9;
WHERE CURRENT OF c_upgrade_p;
any help wouldbe greatHello,
pls, post the error.
Best regards
Manfred Peter
Alligator Company Software GmbH|||the error is simple that it doesnt compile- when i say show err it says the where statement does belong...
cture.Value), 105))
Ravi Mumulla (Microsoft)
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Brian B" <Brian> wrote in message
> Using SQL 2000 with SP1 installed, Just doing some examples with
northwind, when I try to create a report with the images stored in the
Categories table, I get the red X's that show when there isn't a valid
image. When I pull the data into access and view the pics they show. Any
403 - Forbidden).
The only change that has been made to IIS recently (that I am aware of but
others have access as well) is an upgrade from PHP 4 to PHP 5 but other
websites on the same server appear to be working correctly so I'm not
convinced this is the cause of the problem.
Can anyone please shed some light on this or atleast point me in the right
direction to avoid my having to re-install from scratch.
Thanks for any advice.
Ray HojkaWas Reporting Services installed to the default web site?
Perhaps the PHP upgrade program decided to "help" you out with your security
permissions in IIS ?|||Hi Al
Yes RS was installed to the default website. Do you have any idea what
permissions could have been changed. As far as I can tell everything looks
ok on that front but I could well be wrong.
"Al" wrote:
> Was Reporting Services installed to the default web site?
> Perhaps the PHP upgrade program decided to "help" you out with your security
> permissions in IIS ?
I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
server, I got
the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item ''
is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must start
with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
what went wrong, please help.
the URL for the report as following:
TIAIT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
post isn't that long...
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"wd1153" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
> under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> server, I got
> the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item
> ''
> is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> start
> with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
> set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> what went wrong, please help.
> the URL for the report as following:
> http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
>|||how might be the solution? thanks
"Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> IT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
> post isn't that long...
> --
> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> community of SQL Server professionals.
> "wd1153" <> wrote in message
> > Hi
> >
> > I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
> > under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> > server, I got
> > the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item
> > ''
> > is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> > start
> > with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
> > set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> > what went wrong, please help.
> >
> > the URL for the report as following:
> >
> > http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> >
>|||Maybe the parameter values are too long?
"wd1153" wrote:
> how might be the solution? thanks
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> > IT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
> > post isn't that long...
> >
> > --
> > Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> > Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> >
> > (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> >
> > I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> > community of SQL Server professionals.
> >
> >
> > "wd1153" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
> > > under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> > > server, I got
> > > the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item
> > > ''
> > > is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> > > start
> > > with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
> > > set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> > > what went wrong, please help.
> > >
> > > the URL for the report as following:
> > >
> > > http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >|||I don't think the length of it is an issue. I have many that are longer that
what you post below. How are you trying to run the report? From Report
Manager? Or from you own app, using URL integration?
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"wd1153" <> wrote in message
> how might be the solution? thanks
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
>> IT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
>> post isn't that long...
>> --
>> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
>> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
>> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
>> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
>> community of SQL Server professionals.
>> "wd1153" <> wrote in message
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run
>> > it
>> > under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
>> > server, I got
>> > the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the
>> > item
>> > ''
>> > is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
>> > start
>> > with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for
>> > complete
>> > set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
>> > what went wrong, please help.
>> >
>> > the URL for the report as following:
>> >
>> > http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
>> >
>> > TIA
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>|||Thank for replay
I am going to run this at report manager. The report itself should not be a
problem, right? because it runs fine in Visual Studio?
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> I don't think the length of it is an issue. I have many that are longer that
> what you post below. How are you trying to run the report? From Report
> Manager? Or from you own app, using URL integration?
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "wd1153" <> wrote in message
> > how might be the solution? thanks
> >
> > "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> >
> >> IT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
> >> post isn't that long...
> >>
> >> --
> >> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> >> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> >>
> >> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> >>
> >> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> >> community of SQL Server professionals.
> >>
> >>
> >> "wd1153" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Hi
> >> >
> >> > I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run
> >> > it
> >> > under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> >> > server, I got
> >> > the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the
> >> > item
> >> > ''
> >> > is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> >> > start
> >> > with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for
> >> > complete
> >> > set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> >> > what went wrong, please help.
> >> >
> >> > the URL for the report as following:
> >> >
> >> > http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
> >> >
> >> > TIA
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
>|||Thanks for replay. But the parameters are only a couple of integers, and it
runs fine in VS .net.
"Mary Bray [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
> Maybe the parameter values are too long?
> "wd1153" wrote:
> > how might be the solution? thanks
> >
> > "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> >
> > > IT sounds like the URL of the report is too long, even though the URL you
> > > post isn't that long...
> > >
> > > --
> > > Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> > > Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> > >
> > > (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> > >
> > > I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> > > community of SQL Server professionals.
> > >
> > >
> > > "wd1153" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > Hi
> > > >
> > > > I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
> > > > under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> > > > server, I got
> > > > the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item
> > > > ''
> > > > is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> > > > start
> > > > with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
> > > > set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> > > > what went wrong, please help.
> > > >
> > > > the URL for the report as following:
> > > >
> > > > http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
> > > >
> > > > TIA
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >|||I know the URL which you show is not too long, but the error seemed to
indicate it...
I wonder if there is an image or other item in the report, which may have a
URL which is longer than 260 chars... I do think that the way images are
referenced is different in the dev env than in prod... check to see if
there are any long object references...
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"wd1153" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
> under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
> server, I got
> the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the item
> ''
> is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
> start
> with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for complete
> set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
> what went wrong, please help.
> the URL for the report as following:
> http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
>|||Good idea. This will show up from Report Manager. Right now he has only
tried it from his web app, not from Report Manager.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Wayne Snyder" <> wrote in message
>I know the URL which you show is not too long, but the error seemed to
>indicate it...
> I wonder if there is an image or other item in the report, which may have
> a URL which is longer than 260 chars... I do think that the way images are
> referenced is different in the dev env than in prod... check to see if
> there are any long object references...
> --
> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> community of SQL Server professionals.
> "wd1153" <> wrote in message
>> Hi
>> I have beening trying to build a report with 2 parameters. When I run it
>> under preview, it all went well, but after I deploy it to the
>> server, I got
>> the message as following: **Reporting Services Error--The path of the
>> item ''
>> is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long, must
>> start
>> with slash; other restrictions apply. Check the documentation for
>> complete
>> set of restrictions. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help **
>> what went wrong, please help.
>> the URL for the report as following:
>> http://localhost/ReportServer?%2fMyReports%2fORSchedule&rs:Command=Render
>> TIA
My report should look like this:
Actual value 3 5 7
Percentage 10% 20% 50%
I have set a parameter list based on time dimension in the cube and
they are displayed in different levels representing the time dimension
hierarchy. I'm not sure how I can use the parameter that I select from
this dropdown list and use it to roll up wtd,mtd and ytd values. Any
help will be greatly appreciated.maybe this might be of use:
member [measures].[wtd total] as ' IIF([Time].CurrentMember IS [Time].[Week
Level], YourValue, 0)'
member [measures].[mtd total] as ' IIF([Time].CurrentMember IS [Time].[Month
Level], YourValue, 0)'
member [measures].[ytd total] as ' IIF([Time].CurrentMember IS [Time].[Year
Level], YourValue, 0)'
select { [measures].[wtd total]
, [measures].[mtd total]
, [measures].[ytd total]} on columns,
{ [Your Dimensions] } on rows
From YourCube
"Maddie" wrote:
> All,
> My report should look like this:
> Actual value 3 5 7
> Percentage 10% 20% 50%
> I have set a parameter list based on time dimension in the cube and
> they are displayed in different levels representing the time dimension
> hierarchy. I'm not sure how I can use the parameter that I select from
> this dropdown list and use it to roll up wtd,mtd and ytd values. Any
> help will be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by ghostrider
Okay I'm totally new to SQL, I need to write a program that has 2 tables, can any one help me get started?
Can you give us any more specifics?
What kind of program are you writing, what are the specs? What platform/programming language are you using?|||I'm using MS SQL 2005 Express. I'm trying to write a INSERT statement pulling data from my online school database and I'm not sure how to do it.|||
Originally Posted by ghostrider
Okay I'm totally new to SQL, I need to write a program that has 2 tables, can any one help me get started?
can you tell me clearly your requirements.really you want help for creating tables|||
Originally Posted by ghostrider
I'm using MS SQL 2005 Express. I'm trying to write a INSERT statement pulling data from my online school database and I'm not sure how to do it.
If I understand correctly, you are trying to insert data from one table into another.
If these tables exist on different platforms you will need to write an application that does this.
I will assume both tables are in the same database.
INSERT INTO Table1(Column1,Column2)
SELECT Column1,Column2
FROM Table2|||Thanks this is what I was looking for. Thanks again!!!!
Dev Tool: VB6
Server: SQL Server 2000.
Environment: Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2000 Server
I had an ADO conection to the from a VB Application, wtih this connection
the user could Write/Read data from server and execute stored procedures.
The connection was made with DSNs(ODBC). The system created the DSNs and
connected to the server. Now, since we discovered that any one ,who had
Office 2000 or XP, could connect to the server and have the same permissions
of the VB appliacation user (through the DSN the sytem created), we decided
to do this:
1. Use a DSN-less connection
2. Validade the user with SQL Server authetication(not by the tursted
3. Give theses users the same permissions they had before.
Now, the system has a huge number of calls, updates and stored procedures,
my problem is that the system now nevertheless can use simple SQL-transact
staments with no prblem; ADO gives the following message when using stored
"Operation is not Allowed when the Object is closed."
If the permissions were the problem, I couldn't execute the procedures
in the Query Analyzer using the same connection, UserID and Password I
developed for the VB6 application user.
So, I suspect the problem is not the connection itself, there is something
in my ADO (v 2.5) statement(??).
Here is the stament:
strDSN_p= "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
Catalog=MyDB;Data Source=MyServer;User Id=SomeUser;Password=somepassword;"
cnADO_p.ConnectionString = strDSN_p
cnADO_p.CursorLocation = adUseClient
cnADO_p.CommandTimeout = 400
cnADO_p.ConnectionTimeout = 240
where cnADO is an ADO connection object.
Any ideas? I'm really worried because most of users have Office in their
computers and some them are system engineers in manegement possitions(not in
the computer department!) and data must be protected(DSN connections are
Note: A public permission has been granted to All the stored procedures.
RickI doubt this problem is security related. The problem was most likely
introduced by your switch from ODBC to OLE DB.
Ensure your stored procedures include 'SET NOCOUNT ON'. This will suppress
DONE_IN_PROC messages that can cause problems with ADO applications and
improve performance as well.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Rick" <> wrote in message
> Hi, all:
> Dev Tool: VB6
> Server: SQL Server 2000.
> Environment: Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2000 Server
> I had an ADO conection to the from a VB Application, wtih this connection
> the user could Write/Read data from server and execute stored procedures.
> The connection was made with DSNs(ODBC). The system created the DSNs and
> connected to the server. Now, since we discovered that any one ,who had
> Office 2000 or XP, could connect to the server and have the same
> permissions
> of the VB appliacation user (through the DSN the sytem created), we
> decided
> to do this:
> 1. Use a DSN-less connection
> 2. Validade the user with SQL Server authetication(not by the tursted
> connection.
> 3. Give theses users the same permissions they had before.
> Now, the system has a huge number of calls, updates and stored procedures,
> my problem is that the system now nevertheless can use simple SQL-transact
> staments with no prblem; ADO gives the following message when using stored
> procedures:
> "Operation is not Allowed when the Object is closed."
> If the permissions were the problem, I couldn't execute the procedures
> in the Query Analyzer using the same connection, UserID and Password I
> developed for the VB6 application user.
> So, I suspect the problem is not the connection itself, there is something
> in my ADO (v 2.5) statement(?).
> Here is the stament:
> strDSN_p= "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
> Catalog=MyDB;Data Source=MyServer;User Id=SomeUser;Password=somepassword;"
> cnADO_p.ConnectionString = strDSN_p
> cnADO_p.CursorLocation = adUseClient
> cnADO_p.CommandTimeout = 400
> cnADO_p.ConnectionTimeout = 240
> cnADO_p.Open
> where cnADO is an ADO connection object.
> Any ideas? I'm really worried because most of users have Office in
> their
> computers and some them are system engineers in manegement possitions(not
> in
> the computer department!) and data must be protected(DSN connections are
> trustless!).
> Note: A public permission has been granted to All the stored procedures.
> --
> Rick
DB. Is there a way to do that without take read only off?
Yong"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> I have a read only database, and I have a new user need read access to
> DB. Is there a way to do that without take read only off?
Why would you need to take database read only off? Perhaps you could
describe how your security is configured?
Steve|||This DB is our client DB, they are doing differential backup daily, and send
us backup file daily, we restore it in our side daily, That is whywe need to
keep that DB read only
"Steve Thompson" <stevethompson@.nomail.please> wrote in message
> "Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> news:%23w%23gBNB9EHA.2196@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
> that
> Why would you need to take database read only off? Perhaps you could
> describe how your security is configured?
> Steve
grown to the point of locking up my machineYou can use DBCC SHRINKFILE. See BOL for syntax plus look at
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with DBCC SHRINKFILE;en-us;Q272318
INF: Causes of SQL Transaction Log Filling Up;en-us;Q110139
INF: Transaction Log Grows Unexpectedly or Becomes Full on SQL Server;EN-US;317375
Jasper Smith (SQL Server MVP)
I support PASS - the definitive, global
community for SQL Server professionals -
"DAVE" <> wrote in message
> how do i reduce the size of an mdf and ldf file in sql server2000. they
have grown to the point of locking up my machine|||Hi,
The best option is shrinking the transaction log and data file individually
using the DBCC SHRINKFILE command.
How to check the Transaction log file size and usage, execute the below
How to shrink the transaction log file if your database is FULL recovery
1. Backup the Transaction Log using (Backup log command)
2. Use DBCC SHRINKFILE('logical_tran_log_name','Trun
How to shrink the transaction log file if your database is Simple recovery
1. Truncate the Transaction Log using (Backup log dbname with triuncateonly
2. Use DBCC SHRINKFILE('logical_tran_log_name','Trun
How to shrink the data files
1. Check any open transactions or there using DBCC OPENTRAN(DBname)
2. If not, Run DBCC SHRINKFILE('logical_datafile_name',size)
If your data is not that critical (Development Server) and if you do not
require a time based
recovery go for SIMPLE recovery Model for your database. This
require less monitoring of tranasction log usage.
"DAVE" <> wrote in message
> how do i reduce the size of an mdf and ldf file in sql server2000. they
have grown to the point of locking up my machine
Hi Experts,
I have 350 GB database hosted on SQL 2000. Can any one tell me, how should I plan to uprade it to SQL 2005?
Sachin -
I would start with running the Upgrade Advisor tool on your current system. You can get the tool and information on running the tool here:
After you have done that - it is always a good idea to take a copy of your database and restore it to a test server running SQL 2005 and test application functionality to confirm things are working as expected before upgrading.
If you have any specific concerns about the upgrade after you run Upgrade Advisor please let me know.
i'm having problem with this stored procedure
this doesn't work!
select count(Email)
from Jobseeker
where Email = @.EMAIL and cast(Password as varbinary) = cast(@.PASSWORD as varbinary)
but this works , why? and this one works even if the passwords are in different cases, how do i fix this??
select count(Email)
from Jobseeker
where Email = @.EMAIL and Password = @.PASSWORD
cheers :)If the sort sequence is case insensitive, then string comparisons will be case insensitive as well.
What are you trying to achieve?
running SQL 7 to connect to the database. It was slow, so
I upgraded my computer to SQL2000 to test. Now I can't
get connected to the database AND my clients can't connect
Can you please give some more information.
I upgraded my computer to SQL2000 to test ??
Did you upgraded your client sql7 software to SQl 2000 in your PC. What is
that test?
"AGFSG" <> wrote in message
> I upgraded my SQL Server to 2000. My clients were all
> running SQL 7 to connect to the database. It was slow, so
> I upgraded my computer to SQL2000 to test. Now I can't
> get connected to the database AND my clients can't connect
> either.
|||What error messages do u get? Was the upgrade successful? You might want to
start by checking the SQL Error logs in the program Files folder, sQL
Server >> LOG folder and look for any error messages that might indicate
basic server problems. And then we'll do other troubleshooting after we
mjake sure the sql server is fine.
Vikram Jayaram
Microsoft, SQL Server
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Subscribe to MSDN & use
I am always get following error during installation
"Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes"
Base on sqlstp.log file (see below), it looks like cause by
10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
10:35:07 Setup is performing required operations on cluster nodes. This may
take a few minutes...
10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
10:46:17 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB1 : 0
10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB2 : 2
10:46:17 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
#### SQL Server Remote Setup - Start Time 12/21/04 10:35:07 ####
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=0
CThread::Run thread [0x74] created for execution.
CThread::Process [0x74]
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=1
Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=Nb k=Rm
k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
\\SVMDB1\admin$\SVMDB1_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e
"stpsilnt._ex" -b -x "C:\WINNT\TEMP\"' (SVMDB1) ...
CThread::Run thread [0x78] created for execution.
CThread::Process [0x78]
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x74],index=0
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x78],index=1
Script file copied to '\\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss' successfully.
Installing remote service (SVMDB2)...
Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=ClSec k=Rm
k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
\\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e
"stpsilnt._ex" -x "C:\"' (SVMDB2) ...
CProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x74] exit code: 0
Remote process exit code was '0' (SVMDB1).
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x74]
Thread [0x74] exit code: [0x0]
CRemoteProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x78] exit code: 2
Remote process exit code was '2' (SVMDB2).
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x78]
Thread [0x78] exit code: [0x2]
CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete returned 2
CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete execution level=1, need execution: 0
One or more errors occurred while running the remote/unattended setups.
Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB1)...
Service removed successfully.
Remote files could not be removed.
#### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:45:59 ####
Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB2)...
Service removed successfully.
Remote files removed successfully.
#### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:46:16 ####
Have you tried coping the media onto the shared disk and running the install
from there? Have you already reboot both nodes? Make sure you reboot the
controlling node after any failure.
This should fix your issue.
MVP - Windows Server - Clustering - Clustering - Blog
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
>I am trying to setup SQL server on MS Cluster Servers (with window 2003
> I am always get following error during installation
> "Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes"
> Base on sqlstp.log file (see below), it looks like cause by
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
> Thanks
> Yong
> 10:35:07 Setup is performing required operations on cluster nodes. This
> may
> take a few minutes...
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> 10:46:17 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB1 : 0
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB2 : 2
> 10:46:17 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Start Time 12/21/04 10:35:07 ####
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=0
> CThread::Run thread [0x74] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x74]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=1
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=Nb k=Rm
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB1\admin$\SVMDB1_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -b -x "C:\WINNT\TEMP\"' (SVMDB1) ...
> CThread::Run thread [0x78] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x78]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x74],index=0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x78],index=1
> Script file copied to '\\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss' successfully.
> Installing remote service (SVMDB2)...
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=ClSec
> k=Rm
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -x "C:\"' (SVMDB2) ...
> CProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x74] exit code: 0
> Remote process exit code was '0' (SVMDB1).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x74]
> Thread [0x74] exit code: [0x0]
> CRemoteProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x78] exit code: 2
> Remote process exit code was '2' (SVMDB2).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x78]
> Thread [0x78] exit code: [0x2]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete returned 2
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete execution level=1, need execution: 0
> One or more errors occurred while running the remote/unattended setups.
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB1)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files could not be removed.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:45:59 ####
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB2)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files removed successfully.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:46:16 ####
|||Yes, I tried coping the media onto the shared disk and running the
installation from there. I also reboot both nodes after failure. I still get
same error
"Rodney R. Fournier [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:%23XXHAf35EHA.1264@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> Have you tried coping the media onto the shared disk and running the
> from there? Have you already reboot both nodes? Make sure you reboot the
> controlling node after any failure.
> This should fix your issue.
> Cheers,
> Rod
> MVP - Windows Server - Clustering
> - Clustering
> - Blog
> "Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> news:eqpoTY35EHA.1596@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
"\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1[vbcol=seagreen]
"\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
|||Darn, we had that issue here last night on two new clusters, IPSEC and a
firewall in between, local copy fixed it.
Ok, try these articles:;en-us;818548;en-us;318672;en-us;302491;en-us;321063
Please let me know which if any of these fix you issue.
MVP - Windows Server - Clustering - Clustering - Blog
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> Yes, I tried coping the media onto the shared disk and running the
> installation from there. I also reboot both nodes after failure. I still
> get
> same error
> Thanks
> Yong
> "Rodney R. Fournier [MVP]" <> wrote in
> message news:%23XXHAf35EHA.1264@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> install
> specified.
> specified.
> k=Rm
> "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> successfully.
> "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
I think you hit the issue described in following article. Most often I have
seen this issue if the network connection name contains spaces or
parenthesis e.g. it should not be "Local Area Connection" or "Local Area
Connection 1" and should be something like "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". If this
does not solve the issue, you can try following other workarounds mentioned
in the article.
PRB: SQL Server 2000 Cluster Setup may fail to perform required operations
on the cluster nodes when special characters are used in the resource name
Hope this helps.
Shon Shah
Software Design Engineer/Test
Microsoft Cluster Server
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples, if any, are subject to the terms specified
Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for newsgroup
purposes only.
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
>I am trying to setup SQL server on MS Cluster Servers (with window 2003
> I am always get following error during installation
> "Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes"
> Base on sqlstp.log file (see below), it looks like cause by
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
> Thanks
> Yong
> 10:35:07 Setup is performing required operations on cluster nodes. This
> may
> take a few minutes...
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> 10:46:17 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB1 : 0
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB2 : 2
> 10:46:17 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Start Time 12/21/04 10:35:07 ####
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=0
> CThread::Run thread [0x74] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x74]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=1
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=Nb k=Rm
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB1\admin$\SVMDB1_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -b -x "C:\WINNT\TEMP\"' (SVMDB1) ...
> CThread::Run thread [0x78] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x78]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x74],index=0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x78],index=1
> Script file copied to '\\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss' successfully.
> Installing remote service (SVMDB2)...
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=ClSec
> k=Rm
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -x "C:\"' (SVMDB2) ...
> CProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x74] exit code: 0
> Remote process exit code was '0' (SVMDB1).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x74]
> Thread [0x74] exit code: [0x0]
> CRemoteProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x78] exit code: 2
> Remote process exit code was '2' (SVMDB2).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x78]
> Thread [0x78] exit code: [0x2]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete returned 2
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete execution level=1, need execution: 0
> One or more errors occurred while running the remote/unattended setups.
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB1)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files could not be removed.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:45:59 ####
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB2)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files removed successfully.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:46:16 ####
|||Thanks Shon. Looks like this is not the source of cause my problem. I also
checked SQLSTPx.Log file, and find interesting things,
14:53:12 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\SQLDEB~1\sqldbreg.ex e -RegServer
14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.
and don't know this is cause of my problem. If it is, any idea how to avoid
Thanks again for your help
14:53:02 Begin Action PostSetupRegistry:
14:53:02 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 7 -Service
MSSQL$SVM -SvcStartType 1 -SvcAccount "TestNew\Administrator" -SvcEPwd
14:53:03 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:53:03 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 5 -Service
"SQLAgent$SVM" -Dependencies MSSQL$SVM -ExePath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\MSSQL$SVM\binn\sqlagent.exe" -SvcAccount
"TestNew\Administrator" -SvcEPwd
14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:53:12 SetupSQLExecSecurity returned: 0
14:53:12 PerfmonLoad returned: 0
14:53:12 C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\80\Tools\Binn\dcomscm.exe /RegServer
14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:53:12 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\SQLDEB~1\sqldbreg.ex e -RegServer
14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.
14:53:12 regsvr32.exe /s "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\80\COM\repldsui.dll"
14:53:13 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:53:13 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
"Shon Shah [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Yong,
> I think you hit the issue described in following article. Most often I
> seen this issue if the network connection name contains spaces or
> parenthesis e.g. it should not be "Local Area Connection" or "Local Area
> Connection 1" and should be something like "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". If this
> does not solve the issue, you can try following other workarounds
> in the article.
> PRB: SQL Server 2000 Cluster Setup may fail to perform required operations
> on the cluster nodes when special characters are used in the resource name
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Regards,
> Shon Shah
> Software Design Engineer/Test
> Microsoft Cluster Server
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> Use of included script samples, if any, are subject to the terms specified
> at
> Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for
> purposes only.
> "Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> news:eqpoTY35EHA.1596@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
"\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1[vbcol=seagreen]
"\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
|||Thanks Rod, I checked all of these, and looks like it still didn't solve my
problem. Base onSQLSTPx.Log file,
14:53:12 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\SQLDEB~1\sqldbreg.ex e -RegServer
14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.
I think this may be the cause of my issue, but don't know how to fix it
Thanks again for your helps
"Rodney R. Fournier [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:efnag445EHA.936@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...[vbcol=seagreen]
> Darn, we had that issue here last night on two new clusters, IPSEC and a
> firewall in between, local copy fixed it.
> Ok, try these articles:
> Please let me know which if any of these fix you issue.
> Cheers,
> Rod
> MVP - Windows Server - Clustering
> - Clustering
> - Blog
> "Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> news:Ogix7r45EHA.1028@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
"\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e[vbcol=seagreen]
"\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e[vbcol=seagreen]
|||Please check this one out;en-us;810343, sure sounds
MVP - Windows Server - Clustering - Clustering - Blog
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> Thanks Rod, I checked all of these, and looks like it still didn't solve
> my
> problem. Base onSQLSTPx.Log file,
> 14:53:12 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\SQLDEB~1\sqldbreg.ex e -RegServer
> 14:53:12 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.
> I think this may be the cause of my issue, but don't know how to fix it
> Thanks again for your helps
> Yong
> "Rodney R. Fournier [MVP]" <> wrote in
> message news:efnag445EHA.936@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> the
> 2003
> C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> "\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e
> k=ClSec
> "\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e
> setups.
|||It might be time to call PSS.
MVP - Windows Server - Clustering - Clustering - Blog
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> Rod,
> Thanks again for your help. Still have problem.. Also this is happening
> before I apply SP3a. Any other suggestions?
> Yong
> "Rodney R. Fournier [MVP]" <> wrote in
> message news:ukYtaZ75EHA.2540@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
> sounds
> library/DLL.
> a
> k=Nb
> 0
> 0
|||Was one system an upgrade from Win 2000 and another one built from scratch?
The C:\WINNT folder is the old name. Windows server 2003 uses C:\Windows as
the default system folder name. Setup expects a parallel folder structure
on all nodes.
Also, make sure your TMP and TEMP system variables are set on all nodes to a
valid folder. Finally, log into the console of each node using all accounts
involoved (Setup Launch, Cluster, and SQL Service accounts.
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
"Yong Zou (SearchIgnite)" <> wrote in message
> I am trying to setup SQL server on MS Cluster Servers (with window 2003
> I am always get following error during installation
> "Setup failed to perform the required operation on the cluster nodes"
> Base on sqlstp.log file (see below), it looks like cause by
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
> Thanks
> Yong
> 10:35:07 Setup is performing required operations on cluster nodes. This
> take a few minutes...
> 10:35:07 C:\WINNT\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\WINNT\remsetup.ini
> 10:46:17 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
> 10:46:17 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB1 : 0
> 10:46:17 Installation return status on SVMDB2 : 2
> 10:46:17 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Start Time 12/21/04 10:35:07 ####
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=0
> CThread::Run thread [0x74] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x74]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr create thread, index=1
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=Nb k=Rm
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB1\admin$\SVMDB1_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB1\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -b -x "C:\WINNT\TEMP\"' (SVMDB1) ...
> CThread::Run thread [0x78] created for execution.
> CThread::Process [0x78]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x74],index=0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr start thread [0x78],index=1
> Script file copied to '\\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss' successfully.
> Installing remote service (SVMDB2)...
> Running '\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setupsq l.exe k=ClSec
> k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SVMDB1\N$\ENGLISH\SQL2000\ENT\x86\setup\setup.i ns" -f1
> \\SVMDB2\ADMIN$\SVMDB2_SVMOBILE.iss -f2 "\\SVMDB2\admin$\setup.log" -e
> "stpsilnt._ex" -x "C:\"' (SVMDB2) ...
> CProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x74] exit code: 0
> Remote process exit code was '0' (SVMDB1).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x74]
> Thread [0x74] exit code: [0x0]
> CRemoteProcess::RunUntilComplete [0x78] exit code: 2
> Remote process exit code was '2' (SVMDB2).
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr WaitForMultipleObjects returned: 0
> CThreadPool::RunUntilCompleteHlpr signaled thread [0x78]
> Thread [0x78] exit code: [0x2]
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete returned 2
> CThreadPool::RunUntilComplete execution level=1, need execution: 0
> One or more errors occurred while running the remote/unattended setups.
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB1)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files could not be removed.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:45:59 ####
> Disconnecting from remote machine (SVMDB2)...
> Service removed successfully.
> Remote files removed successfully.
> #### SQL Server Remote Setup - Stop Time 12/21/04 10:46:16 ####
I have a table who name is table0. its have a values like colum0: 01 colum1
: d01 and other table(this name is table1) have linked values to 01 and
d01. I want to update d01 value in table1, look from table0. I have
32000-35000 value in table0 and table1.So how can I do it?
<> wrote in message news:...
> hi!
> I have a table who name is table0. its have a values like colum0: 01
> : d01 and other table(this name is table1) have linked values to 01 and
> d01. I want to update d01 value in table1, look from table0. I have
> 32000-35000 value in table0 and table1.So how can I do it?
> Thanks,,,,,,
|||update table0
set colum0= 01, colum1= d01
from table0,table1
where table1.column0=table0.column0 and table1.column1=table0.column1
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
"" wrote:
> hi!
> I have a table who name is table0. its have a values like colum0: 01 colum1
> : d01 and other table(this name is table1) have linked values to 01 and
> d01. I want to update d01 value in table1, look from table0. I have
> 32000-35000 value in table0 and table1.So how can I do it?
> Thanks,,,,,,
i have a nt server sp6 with sql sp3 installed and configured by someone
else. in recent weeks our dc/exchange server had a similar problem in where
i had to do a reinstall from scratch and restore from backup.
because of user accounts being recreated i had to go and add the users again
on the sql server.
i decided to reboot the server after completing the task of adding the
users. then the fun began... the server will past the post, no problem, then
when the winnt server logo would appear on the screen with the mouse
cursor...wham the server started to reboot in an endless loop...right at the
same spot, the winnt logo screen and mouse cursor being displayed on the
I figured i post this here since this happened right after adding the users
in sql.
it looks like a virus at play but none was detected before the server was
has anybody seen this happen before?
can this configuration be saved ?
any help would be greatly appreciated.
ronaldHi ,
Ask your system administrater to try out this,
I am merely guessing, try this:
get to system using Console Repair Mode and then change
AdminLogon to 0
also if that doesn't help, try to go to your %temp% folder and delete
sit*.tmp files, which the Readme says are used to store the passwords.
"ronald" <> wrote in message
> Help,
> i have a nt server sp6 with sql sp3 installed and configured by someone
> else. in recent weeks our dc/exchange server had a similar problem in
> i had to do a reinstall from scratch and restore from backup.
> because of user accounts being recreated i had to go and add the users
> on the sql server.
> i decided to reboot the server after completing the task of adding the
> users. then the fun began... the server will past the post, no problem,
> when the winnt server logo would appear on the screen with the mouse
> cursor...wham the server started to reboot in an endless loop...right at
> same spot, the winnt logo screen and mouse cursor being displayed on the
> screen.
> I figured i post this here since this happened right after adding the
> in sql.
> it looks like a virus at play but none was detected before the server was
> rebooted.
> has anybody seen this happen before?
> can this configuration be saved ?
> any help would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks
> ronald
>|||thanks guys.
the server was configured with raid 5 and getting to the registry was a
problem. i needed a way to get to the sql data. i used a independant "hd"
from the raid 5 and was able to back up the data to then restore sql .
again thanks
"Hari" <> wrote in message
> Hi ,
> Ask your system administrater to try out this,
> I am merely guessing, try this:
> get to system using Console Repair Mode and then change
> AdminLogon to 0
> also if that doesn't help, try to go to your %temp% folder and delete
> sit*.tmp files, which the Readme says are used to store the passwords.
> Thanks
> Hari
> "ronald" <> wrote in message
> news:ufR2qMIEEHA.3408@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> where
> again
> then
> the
> users
I am trying to copy user logins from one database to another on the same
instance of SQL.
I used DTS to export the data to the new database, when I should have used
the backup option.
I'm in a bet of trouble. Now the users can not access the copied database.
I followed the suggestion below:
But I get the error when I run the script. Server: Msg 195, Level 15, State
10, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 52
'LOGINPROPERTY' is not a recognized function name.
How to transfer logins and passwords between instances of SQL Server
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 246133
Last Review : April 12, 2006
Revision : 5.0
Any help would appreciated. My neck is on the line

TerrySearch the archives for the name of the procedures. The KB by mistake includ
es code that only run on
2005, but there has been several postings with the original proc, that runs
on 2000.
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
"Terry" <> wrote in message news:pgc2g.56484$gE.47798@.dukeread06...eagreen">
> Hello,
> I am trying to copy user logins from one database to another on the same
> instance of SQL.
> I used DTS to export the data to the new database, when I should have used
> the backup option.
> I'm in a bet of trouble. Now the users can not access the copied database.
> I followed the suggestion below:
> But I get the error when I run the script. Server: Msg 195, Level 15, Stat
> 10, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 52
> 'LOGINPROPERTY' is not a recognized function name.
> How to transfer logins and passwords between instances of SQL Server
> View products that this article applies to.
> Article ID : 246133
> Last Review : April 12, 2006
> Revision : 5.0
> Any help would appreciated. My neck is on the line

> Terry
>|||Thank You
"Tibor Karaszi" <> wrote in
message news:O7%23iSQeZGHA.1228@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Search the archives for the name of the procedures. The KB by mistake
> includes code that only run on 2005, but there has been several postings
> with the original proc, that runs on 2000.
> --
> Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
> "Terry" <> wrote in message
> news:pgc2g.56484$gE.47798@.dukeread06...
"Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and m
ake sure the database server is running."
i check my event log and get this..
Event Type: Information
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1
Date: 5/10/2004
Time: 8:49:04 AM
User: N/A
Computer: 211551S
You are running a version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Serv
er 2000 Desktop Engine (also called MSDE) that has known security vulnerabil
ities when used in conjunction with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family
. To reduce your computer'
s vulnerability to certain virus attacks, the TCP/IP and UDP network ports o
f Microsoft SQL Server 2000, MSDE, or both have been disabled. To enable th
ese ports, you must install a patch, or the most recent service pack for Mic
rosoft SQL Server 2000 or M
SDE from
For more information, see Help and Support Center at k/events.asp." target="_blank">
how do I get this thing up and running again.. please e-mail me at jason_ado
lf@.sra.comThat's an informational message in your event log that you
will get if you are running SQL Server at something less
than SP3. You should install SQL Server SP3.
On Mon, 10 May 2004 06:01:05 -0700, jason7
<> wrote:
>i am running a windows sharepoint services site.. I get an error that says
"Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and
make sure the database server is running."
>i check my event log and get this..
>Event Type: Information
>Event Category: None
>Event ID: 1
>Date: 5/10/2004
>Time: 8:49:04 AM
>User: N/A
>Computer: 211551S
>You are running a version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Desktop Engine (also called MSDE) that has known security vulnerabilities when used
in conjunction with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family. To reduce your compu
's vulnerability to certain virus attacks, the TCP/IP and UDP network ports
of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, MSDE, or both have been disabled. To enable t
hese ports, you must install a patch, or the most recent service pack for Mi
crosoft SQL Server 2000 or
MSDE from
>For more information, see Help and Support Center at nk/events.asp." target="_blank">
>how do I get this thing up and running again.. please e-mail me at jason_adolf@.sra.
I accidentally started restoreing the wrong db. I
cancelled it and now its in a load state. Can I just put
it back!!!Your only recourse to restore from your latest database backup.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"ChrisR" <> wrote in message
> sql2k sp3
> I accidentally started restoreing the wrong db. I
> cancelled it and now its in a load state. Can I just put
> it back!!!
FRunCM: Process 2816 generated fatal exception c0000005
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
EVENT ID:17055;en-us;814572"??H" <> wrote in message
> 17310 :
> FRunCM: Process 2816 generated fatal exception c0000005
> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
> EVENT ID:17055
Have you tried following the directions listed in the support document?
What platform are you running on? What version of SQL Server? When did
this happen? Did the Server ever start.
More information would be helpful.
Rick Sawtell
ID Car Color
1 BMW silver
2 BMW silver
3 BMW red
4 BMW red
5 BMW red
Is it possible to group BMW, and count the colors in separate fields.
Car Silver Red
BMW 2 3"Chambers" <> wrote in message
> Let's say I have a table similar to the one below:
> ID Car Color
> 1 BMW silver
> 2 BMW silver
> 3 BMW red
> 4 BMW red
> 5 BMW red
> Is it possible to group BMW, and count the colors in separate fields.
> Car Silver Red
> BMW 2 3
If you have a known set of colours, then try
FROM vehicles AS v
WHERE Colour = 'silver' and v.Car = o.Car)
AS Silver
FROM vehicles AS v
WHERE Colour = 'red' and v.Car =
AS Red
FROM vehicles AS o
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.647 / Virus Database: 414 - Release Date: 29/03/2004|||"Chambers" <> wrote in message
> Let's say I have a table similar to the one below:
> ID Car Color
> 1 BMW silver
> 2 BMW silver
> 3 BMW red
> 4 BMW red
> 5 BMW red
> Is it possible to group BMW, and count the colors in separate fields.
> Car Silver Red
> BMW 2 3
>|||To create crosstabs both static (known number of pivot columns) and
dynamic (unknown number of pivot columns) without any complicated
sql coding check out the RAC utility for S2k.RAC is somewhat similar
to the Access crosstab but is much more powerful and has many
RAC v2.2 and QALite @.|||Bob, much thanks to you, the script works perfectly. I did have select with
in a select as you did, but you took it a step further using V and O. What i
s V and O by the way? Are they virtual fields?
-- Bob Simms wrote: --
"Chambers" <> wrote in message
> Let's say I have a table similar to the one below:
> 1 BMW silver
> 2 BMW silver
> 3 BMW red
> 4 BMW red
> 5 BMW red
> BMW 2 3
If you have a known set of colours, then try
FROM vehicles AS v
WHERE Colour = 'silver' and v.Car = o.Car)
AS Silver
FROM vehicles AS v
WHERE Colour = 'red' and v.Car =
AS Red
FROM vehicles AS o
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.647 / Virus Database: 414 - Release Date: 29/03/2004|||Xref: TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl microsoft.public.sqlserver.server:338537
"Chambers" <> wrote in message
> Bob, much thanks to you, the script works perfectly. I did have select
within a select as you did, but you took it a step further using V and O.
What is V and O by the way? Are they virtual fields?
No, they are just aliases for the tables
FROM vehicles AS v
means that you can then refer to the vehicles table as v
Because we are referring to the vehicles table in the outer and inner SELECT
statements, we have to have give them different aliases so SQL knows which
one we are talking about.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.655 / Virus Database: 420 - Release Date: 08/04/2004
I got som textfiles that I have to load in to the server,
I've done that with DTS package. When I run the package
manually everything works fine but when I schedule it the
float numbers becommes integers.
Manually 2.2 in the textfile becomes 2,2
in the schedule 2.2 in the textfile becomes 22...
Anyone that know whats the problem is'
In the Data Transformation Task, click the Transformation and change the
format of the column to Float and save your package.
SQL Server MVP
"Anett" <> wrote in message
> Hi everyone.
> I got som textfiles that I have to load in to the server,
> I've done that with DTS package. When I run the package
> manually everything works fine but when I schedule it the
> float numbers becommes integers.
> Manually 2.2 in the textfile becomes 2,2
> in the schedule 2.2 in the textfile becomes 22...
> Anyone that know whats the problem is'
> /Anett|||The format of the column is already float. Any other ideas?
>--Original Message--
>In the Data Transformation Task, click the Transformation
and change the
>format of the column to Float and save your package.
>SQL Server MVP
>"Anett" <> wrote in
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or
We added new, quite huge sql-based site to our iis farm and after that we
get some times these error messages. Pages wich report these erros are fully
working. Why do get these errors? In last day we have recieved about ten of
these erors. Eroros are coming from all kins of asp. and .net pages at the
same time. After error occusr everything works fine again.
Wha can we do to prevent this happening? What causes these type of error
Server and connection strings are configured well, this is not error of miss
spelled program or connectionstrings. Theese erros are caused somewhere
DSN, Did you configure an alias in Client Network Utility?
"TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> Our sql server started to this...
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist o
r access
> denied.
> We added new, quite huge sql-based site to our iis farm and after that we
> get some times these error messages. Pages wich report these erros are
> fully working. Why do get these errors? In last day we have recieved about
> ten of these erors. Eroros are coming from all kins of asp. and .net pages
> at the same time. After error occusr everything works fine again.
> Wha can we do to prevent this happening? What causes these type of error
> messages?
> Server and connection strings are configured well, this is not error of
> miss spelled program or connectionstrings. Theese erros are caused
> somewhere else.
> t
Everything has worked fine before we added this quite huge new web page
thing... Now pages applications that have worked before are reporting theese
error. not all the time only about ten error / day (and we do have now quite
a bit of transactions).
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> Hi
> DSN, Did you configure an alias in Client Network Utility?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:44155ecc$0$7489$
>|||The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect to
SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
"TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> Hello!
> alias?
> Everything has worked fine before we added this quite huge new web page
> thing... Now pages applications that have worked before are reporting
> theese error. not all the time only about ten error / day (and we do have
> now quite a bit of transactions).
> T
> "Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> viestiss:utVxLcpRGHA.5468@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
Yes I know it seems like pretty clear to you and to me. But theese erros are
not systmaticly hapepening. These erros are occuring becouse of something
else. But what is that something else?
Normally every page are workin fine then I see from our eroor log that in
same minute (in same ten seconds) many applications are reporting this
error. And after that many hours without errors...
Does SQL server report theese erros if there is too much load on that time?
Or what might cause theese erros...
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect
> to SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:441564a0$0$7479$
>|||Could my prblem be related to this?;en-us;328476
We have one SQL-server and 2 separate iis server as cluster. I run netstat
and found out that both IIS machines have nearly 2000 TIME-WAIT tcp session
open to our SQLserver. What shoud I do to prevent these erros happening?
"Uri Dimant" <> kirjoitti
> The error is pretty clear. It could not find the server. Did you connect
> to SQL Server on this (new one) web page?
> "TLehtinen" <> wrote in message
> news:441564a0$0$7479$