Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Help! T-SQL, Calling multiple stored procs?

I have to load a webpage table up with values from a database as such:

The Webpage Expects a Final result set of rows with 5 columns each built as below:

For each Row Returned by StoredProc1

Write Columns 1-3 = StoredProc2

Write Column 4 = StoredProc3

Write Column 5 = StoredProc4

Next Row

But I am not sure how to write the conditionals to CALL the stored procs i wrote and loop by a return value from StoredProc1.

Any help is much appreciated!


I would prefer to create separate stored proc with entire logic encapsulated within it, if I were you. Loops are fast and typical in client languages, but in SQL it's better not to be overused.|||So create just one big stored proc to do it all?
|||Yes. And calling stored procs from within stored procs is not so fast.|||

Can you be a little more specific about what each stored proc does? I mean, if it is a set of procs you are writing, then I doubt this is the best way to do it. I would be more inclined to write one stored procedure with one SELECT statement that joins 3 larger sets together (perhaps in temp tables) on the common value from a fourth set.

select *

from QueryFromSP1

outer join (QueryFromSP2) as QueryFromSP2
on QueryFromSP1.key = QueryFromSP2.key


The queries could be temp tables, or function calls, depending on the need, but a cursor like you have suggested will probably be a dog in performance (and not one of those really fast dogs either. Think hound dog on a hot Mississippi morning dogs.)

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